Mobility Program Overview

How We Prevent Falls
Constanza Villalba
16 February 2023
5 min read

At LivWatch, we understand that mobility is not a one-size-fits-all enterprise. That’s why we use data about you and your lifestyle to customize a mobility program just for you.

Each week you will answer a different series of questions about your home, health, and physical abilities so that we can tailor a program that meets you where you are. Then you’ll start receiving “missions,” bite-sized tasks to complete, which are designed to help move you closer to a stronger, more stable you. 

Lowering your risk of falling isn’t easy but it's possible if you're consistent with your effort.

Getting started (Week 1)

You'll learn how your watch can detect a fall, and what happens if you do have a fall. We hope you never have to use this feature but having it allows you to go about your life with more confidence and peace of mind because if you do fall—even if you are not at home—the team will be there to support you and send help if you need it. 

During week one, we’ll also gather key data about you and how you walk so that we can generate your first Mobility Score. That way you know where you stand at the start of the program. During this time, you’ll get in the habit of wearing your watch at all times and carrying your phone near your hip as much as possible. That’s because the watch can gather much but not all the data that the phone can gather. The sensors in each work in concert to gather a full picture of how you are moving today. 

To give us the data we need, you’ll need to complete walk missions. Then, the next week, you’ll get your first score, along with an explanation of what it means. 

Week 2 

In week two, you’ll meet Brett, the LivWatch physical therapist who will guide you through your custom balance and strength training program. With Brett’s guidance, you’ll learn simple exercises designed to strengthen your feet and legs and improve your balance. Each week, the exercises you do will vary slightly and get a little harder. That way, you will build strength and become more nimble. If you tried exercise programs before and they were too demanding, don’t worry. LivWatch understands you in ways other programs can’t.      

Week 3 

In week three, you will start to learn about hidden hazards in your home, and what you can do to make your home safer and more comfortable. Did you know that there are things you can do with lighting to make midnight trips to the bathroom safer—without shining a bright light in your face? And how about that there is a right way and a wrong way to stock your kitchen cabinets? During this week, you’ll take a guided inventory of the hazards in your home and learn about the steps you can take to mitigate them. We’ll even keep a running tally for you of the changes you might decide to make over time. 

During this and subsequent weeks, you’ll also keep working with Brett to build your strength and improve your balance—all at a pace that is comfortable for you. With each passing week, and each additional bout of activity, you should see your Mobility Score slowly go up.   

Weeks 4 & 5

Week four is medication week. During this week, you will tell us about all the prescription medications you take. Then our team of medical experts will cross-check your list against a list of medications that are known to interfere with balance or mental clarity among people aged 65 and older. Side effects like these are common, but people mistakenly attribute them to normal aging. If it turns out one of your medications may be a problem, in week five, our experts will send you a detailed letter explaining how you can work with your doctor to find alternatives. 

If you are able to reduce or stop problematic medications, you’ll see your Mobility Score improve, too, but big changes won’t happen overnight. In most cases, medication changes must happen gradually, so seeing benefits takes time. That said, people who do make these changes often see other benefits, such as feeling more alert and clear-headed. In fact, many do not realize that their medications were affecting them until after they stop taking them.  

Week 6 and beyond 

In week six and beyond, you will keep investing in your strength and balance training. You will also keep building on each of the missions you completed in previous weeks. Plus, you will get helpful reminders about tasks that are still outstanding from previous weeks.      

Like most things worth doing, the LivWatch program takes time, dedication, consistency, and patience. If you stick with it and follow the guidance, you will see tangible rewards. You may not “notice” any differences right away, but your mobility score will help you pick up on subtle changes so know if you’re on the right track. 

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Constanza Villalba
16 February 2023
5 min read